animation-name property
1 | <style> |
animation-time property
1 | <style> |
animation-iteration-count property
1 | <style> |
1 | animation-timing-function: ease; |
, reverse
, alternate
or alternate-reverse
1 | <style> |
It sets the offset time before starting the animation.
1 | <style> |
1 | animation-play-state: paused; //规定动画已暂停 |
keyframe rule (@keyframes)
keyframe rule consists of @keyframes keyword followed by the animation-name and percentage values of time. The percentage values represent the intervals of time. The time is obtained by the value of animation-duration.
1 | <style> |
animation-time defines the time during which this animation will occur.
0% means 0s.
50% means 50% of animation-duration i.e. 2s.
100% means 100% of animation-duration i.e. 4s.
transition 和 animation 区别
- transition 不能自行触发,通过hover等动作,或者结合js进行触发;animation可以自行运行
- transition可控性相对较弱,只能够指定起始和结束的状态,而animation可以定义多个关键帧
- animation通过模拟属性值改变来实现动画,动画结束之后元素的属性没有变化;而Transition确实改变了元素的属性值,动画结束之后元素的属性发生了变化
- 动画在运行结束之后,需要回到初始状态
- Transform和width、left一样,定义了元素很多静态样式,只不过通过Transition和Animation指定如何改变不同的属性值,才实现了动画